Thursday, January 27, 2011

All about /etc/rc file

The /etc/rc file contains commands that the storage system executes at boot time to configure the system.

What startup commands do  

Startup commands are placed into the /etc/rc file automatically after you run the setup command or the Setup Wizard.

Commands in the /etc/rc file configure the storage system to
1) Communicate on your network 
2) Use the NIS and DNS services 
3) Save the core dump that might exist if the storage system panicked before it was booted

Default /etc/rc file contents

To understand the commands used in the /etc/rc file on the root volume, examine the following sample /etc/rc file, which contains default startup commands:

#Auto-generated /etc/rc 

hostname filerA
ifconfig e0 `hostname`-0
ifconfig e1 `hostname`-1
ifconfig a0 `hostname`-a0
ifconfig a1 `hostname`-a1
route add default MyRouterBox
routed on

Explanation of default /etc/rc contents 

Description : hostname filerA
Sets the storage system host name to "filerA."

Description : 
ifconfig e0 `hostname`-0 
ifconfig e1 `hostname`-1
ifconfig a0 `hostname`-a0
ifconfig a1 `hostname`-a1
Sets the IP addresses for the storage system network interfaces with a default network mask.
The arguments in single backquotes expand to "filerA" if you specify "filerA" as the host name during setup. The actual IP addresses are obtained from the /etc/hosts file on the storage system root volume. If you prefer to have the actual IP addresses in the /etc/rc file, you can enter IP addresses directly in /etc/rc on the root volume.

Description: route add default MyRouterBox

Specifies the default router. You can set static routes for the storage system by adding route commands to the /etc/rc file. The network address for MyRouterBox must be in /etc/hosts on the root volume.
Description : routed on

Starts the routing daemon.
Description: savecore
Saves the core file from a system panic, if any, in the /etc/crash directory on the root volume. Core files are created only during the first boot after a system panic.

Friday, January 14, 2011

BaseBoard Management Controller (BMC) setup

You can manage your storage system locally from an Ethernet connection by using any network interface. However, to manage your storage system remotely, the system should have a Remote LAN Module (RLM) or Baseboard Management Controller (BMC). These provide remote platform management capabilities, including remote access, monitoring, troubleshooting, and alerting features.

cherrytop# bmc setup

The Baseboard Managment Controller (BMC) provides remote managment capabilities
including console redirection, logging and power control.
It also extends autosupport by sending down filer event alerts

Would you like to configure the BMC? (y/n)? y
Would you like to enable DHCP on BMC LAN interface? (y/n)? n
Please enter the IP address for the BMC []: x.x.x.x
Please enter the netmask for the BMC []: x.x.x.x
Please enter the IP address for the BMC gateway []: x.x.x.x
Please enter the gratuitous ARP Interval for the BMC [10 sec (max 60)]:

The BMC is setup successfully.

The following commands are available; for more information
type "bmc help "
bmc help 
bmc setup 
bmc status 
bmc test
bmc reboot

This can be done online and is transparent to the Filer/servers connected to the NetApp Array.